Lip & Tongue Tie in Mesa, AZ

Welcome to Tru-Value Dental, your go-to clinic for expert care in lip and tongue tie treatments in Mesa, Arizona. Dr. Steven Nguyen and our compassionate team are dedicated to providing effective solutions for both infants and adults struggling with these conditions.

What Is Lip & Tongue Tie?

Lip and tongue tie occur when the frenulum, the small piece of tissue connecting the tongue to the floor of the mouth or the lip to the gum, is too short or tight. This can restrict movement and lead to various issues.

Symptoms of Lip & Tongue Tie

Common symptoms include:

  • Difficulty with breastfeeding in infants, with the baby struggling to latch, or the mother experiencing pain while nursing. Another sign is when a baby isn’t gaining enough weight, due to feeding issues.
  • Speech challenges in older children and adults when trying to form certain sounds.
  • Oral hygiene and eating issues, since there is a limited range of motion in the mouth and tongue.
  • Gap formation between teeth, particularly the front teeth.
  • Orthodontic issues, where the tongue or lip can alter the development of the jaw and prevent proper bone growth. This will deform the jaw and cause issues with bite alignment.

Lip & Tongue Tie in Infants vs Adults

While lip and tongue tie are often identified in infancy, particularly due to breastfeeding difficulties, adults can also be affected, experiencing speech difficulties or dental issues. The approach to treatment varies slightly between age groups, tailored to the specific needs of each patient. Don’t let age deter you from getting your lip or tongue tie addressed!

What Is a Frenectomy?

A frenectomy is a simple surgical procedure used to correct lip and tongue tie. It involves the removal or loosening of the frenulum to improve mobility. This procedure can offer significant benefits, especially when performed early in life. The best part is that it takes less than five minutes and doesn’t usually call for anesthetic!

Lip & Tongue Tie FAQ

Discomfort is minimal, especially with modern surgical techniques. Most frenectomies don’t require anesthetics.

Recovery time is generally short, with most patients resuming normal activities within a day. You should be able to eat almost immediately after the frenectomy. It is recommended to avoid spicy, hot, salty, hot, or cold foods to not irritate the procedure site.

Improved feeding in infants, better speech development, and enhanced oral hygiene.

The procedure is a quick, single cut often gentle enough to not require local anesthetic. It takes only a few minutes to complete.

Pricing and Insurance

At Tru-Value Dental, we believe in providing affordable care for essential procedures like frenectomies. We offer:

  • Transparent pricing information.
  • Assistance with insurance claims to maximize your benefits.
  • Various payment options to accommodate your financial situation.

Investing in a frenectomy for lip and tongue tie not only resolves immediate issues but also prevents potential complications in the future.

Call to Schedule an Appointment Today

If you or your child is struggling with a lip or tongue tie, don’t hesitate to reach out to Tru-Value Dental. Call us at (480) 833-9942 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Steven Nguyen. We’re here to provide you with the care and support you need for a healthier, more comfortable life.

At Tru-Value Dental, we specialize in diagnosing and treating lip and tongue ties in patients of all ages. Dr. Steven Nguyen is experienced in performing frenectomy surgery, ensuring minimal discomfort and quick recovery. Our team is committed to providing personalized care and addressing all your concerns and questions about lip and tongue tie treatments. Contact us today to learn more about our services, discuss pricing and insurance options, and discover why we’re a trusted dental care provider in Mesa, AZ.