Orthodontics in Mesa, AZ

Welcome to Tru-Value Dental, where we specialize in providing top-tier orthodontic care in Mesa, Arizona. Led by our experienced dentist, Dr. Steven Nguyen, our office is committed to helping you achieve a straighter, healthier smile.

What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry focused on correcting teeth and jaws that are positioned improperly. Effective orthodontic treatment not only improves the appearance of your smile but also enhances oral functionality and health.

Cosmetic Dentist in Mesa

Can I See My General Dentist for Orthodontic Work?

Yes, at Tru-Value Dental, Dr. Steven Nguyen is equipped to handle various orthodontic treatments. While some complex cases might require a specialist, our office can manage many orthodontic needs with the same level of care and expertise you’ve come to expect from us.

Orthodontic Services We Offer

We’re proud to offer state-of-the-art orthodontic solutions, including two brands of clear aligners: Invisalign and ClearCorrect. These two systems use multiple sets of clear aligners to shift your teeth. They’re virtually invisible, offering a discreet way to straighten your teeth as opposed to traditional metal braces.

Both options are excellent for patients seeking effective, aesthetic orthodontic care. Come on in and we’ll find which option is best for you!

Common Questions About Clear Aligners

  • Can I eat normally with clear aligners? Yes, clear aligners can be removed at meal times, which means you don’t have to worry about food restrictions.
  • How do clear aligners work? You’ll get multiple sets of plastic aligners that are shaped to your teeth, with each set specially designed to shift your teeth a little closer to the desired position. The change is gradual, and you’ll change your aligner set as often as Dr. Nguyen instructs.
  • How long do I have to wear retainers? After your aligner treatment, you’ll be given a set of retainers that are designed to keep your teeth in place. You’ll need to wear the retainers full-time for as long as Dr. Nguyen instructs, then eventually you’ll just need to wear them at night

What You Can Expect During Your Orthodontic Screening

When you come in for an orthodontic screening at our office, here’s what you can expect:

  1. Comprehensive Evaluation: Dr. Nguyen will assess your teeth, jaw alignment, and overall oral health.
  2. Discussion of Goals: We want to understand your smile goals to tailor the treatment plan.
  3. Treatment Options: We’ll present the best orthodontic solutions for your specific needs.
  4. Customized Care Plan: Together, we will decide on a plan that aligns with your lifestyle and goals.

Cost and Insurance

We believe orthodontic care should be accessible and affordable. Our office:

  • Offers competitive pricing for all our orthodontic services.
  • Works with a variety of insurance providers to maximize your benefits.
  • Provides financing options to make treatment more manageable.

Discussing cost and insurance is an integral part of your initial consultation, ensuring no surprises along your orthodontic journey. We do our best to keep all costs transparent!

Call Our Office Today to Schedule Your Appointment

Interested in exploring orthodontic options near Mesa, AZ? Contact Tru-Value Dental at (480) 833-9942 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Steven Nguyen. Our team is dedicated to providing the best orthodontic care. Whether you’re interested in Invisalign, ClearCorrect, or other orthodontic services, our office is equipped to deliver personalized, high-quality treatment. We understand that every smile is unique, and our team is committed to offering customized solutions to meet your individual needs. From your first consultation to the completion of your treatment, you can trust us to be with you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our services, costs, insurance options, and how we can help you achieve a beautiful, healthy smile.